"Muskrat Love" is a 1972 song by Texan singer/songwriter and Americana and Texas country cult legend, Willis Alan Ramsey. It originally appeared on his album Willis Alan Ramsey under the title "Muskrat Candlelight." It was covered by English-American folk rock band America in 1973 and then by fellow 70s pop music recording artistes Captain & Tennille in 1976 where it reached #4 in the charts. Contrary to common wisdom, muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) are only called "rats" in a general sense because that they are medium-sized rodents with an adaptable lifestyle and an omnivorous diet (as do rats). They are not, however, so-called "true rats", that is members of the genus Rattus.
In any case, the 1976 recording by "Captain" Daryl Dragon and Toni Tennille notably features sound effects created with a synthesizer to evoke the imagined sound of muskrats courting. The versatile synthesizer: so much like a piano, yet not quite.
See you backstage at Tuck Shop this Wednesday from 9.00 pm. *UPDATE: The Quiet Set with Jon is on this week, Thursday (21 Feb) from 9.00 pm.
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